Training in Bashik and Bahzan

1. Training on water resources protection, 2. Training of cultivation activities focused on olives. Another and important part of the training is the prevention of how to defend against COVID-19 infection and what to follow hygienic habits. Thank you for supporting and financing the SlovakAid and Caritas Slovakia – Slovak Catholic Charity project.

„The project implemented together with Caritas Slovakia is funded by Official Development Assistance of the Slovak Republic, SlovakAid and partially by Slovakia’s Catholic Bishops’ Conference.“

The video of Bahzani speaker

A villager (Speaker):

“Thank you so much for implementation of this project and  digging portable water well with the availability of electricity  generator with its special room which has been devoted to  protect the generator. Surely, this will solve the lack of water in  this area.

Our area, Bahzani village, was really in need to such wells as it  has been devastated by ISIS attacks in 2014. We hope  ShingalaAzad organization keep doing such productive projects  in this area.”

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